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NHSA Annual Beach Clean-Up 2023 is taking place in Glystra-Lagonissi Beach, Attiki, Greece
Join the National Hellenic Student Association at our annual beach clean-up in Glystra-Lagonissi Beach, Greece. Help make a difference in Greece and improve the environment.

There will be FREE bus transportation from Athens to/from the beach as well as a FREE lunch and t-shirt.
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Cancellation Policy
Please let us know ASAP if you are no longer able to attend after registering.
Age Restriction
We ask that all volunteers are between 18 and 35 years old. If you are outside of this age range, please contact us to participate.
Miscellaneous Policies
NHSA (including those approved by NHSA) have permission to photograph, film, or audio record me while participating at the Convention for the promotional and educational purposes of NHSA.