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St Nicholas PAREA | Orthodoxy Unveiled: Deepening Your Faith

01/21/2025 to 02/17/2025

St. Nicholas National Shrine
130 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10006


Young Adult



St Nicholas National Shrine

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This series is intended for young adults under the age of 40

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Event Summary

Join St. Nicholas PAREA for a 5 week interactive series for young adults exploring the fundamentals of Greek Orthodoxy in our new series Orthodoxy Unveiled: Deepening Your Faith

Event Details

The Orthodoxy Unveiled: Deepening Your Faith series is intended to provide and explore the fundamentals of the Greek Orthodox relgion. This young adult event will take place at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church & National Shrine as well as virtually (Zoom).

*This event is intended for young adults.

This 5 week program will meet from 7pm-8pm ET on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, January 21: in the Church & virtually
    • Topic: The Life of St. Nicholas & Shrine Iconography
    • Description: Discussion on the Shrine iconography and the life of St. Nicholas
  • Monday, January 27: on the 3rd floor of the Shrine & virtually
    • Topic: The Church & Saints
    • Description: An overview of Church history and a discussion of Saints, including their lives and the miracles they performed (specific Saints TBD)
  • Monday, February 3: on the 3rd floor of the Shrine & virtually
    • Topic: Modern Day "Hot Topics"
    • Description: Exploring dating/relationships and modern day "hot topics" in Orthodoxy
  • Monday, February 10: on the 3rd floor of the Shrine & virtually
    • Topic: The Gospel & its Modern Application
    • Description: The importance and relevance of the Gospel in contemporary life
  • Tuesday, Febraury 18: in the Church & virtually
    • Topic: The Divine Liturgy
    • Description: Divine Liturgy deepdive: What takes place during the Divine Liturgy and why is it important


Note that although 4 weeks will be held in-person and virtually, one of the weeks is strictly in-person.


  • Do you need to register? - Yes, use this page to register
  • Is there a fee? - No, registration is free
  • Do you need to attend all sessions? - Although we encourage everyone to participate in the full seires, you can attend one or all sessions. Each session will cover a different topic
  • Can you attend virtually or in person? - You can attend either virtually or in person. Zoom link will be provided to those that register prior to the session. Note that only one session will be fully in-person with no virtual option. If attending in-person, see above for the exact location in the Shrine that we will meet
  • What will each session cover? - Details can be found above
  • Do you have additional questions? - Please email [email protected]


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